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Teaching Channel

Teaching Channel is a thriving online community where teachers can watch, share, and learn diverse techniques to help every student grow.

“So great to see good instructions live with kids. There are lots of resources linked with each lesson on the site.”

In terms of content related to energy, see these highlighted resources:

  • Energy Across the Disciplines: Students design Rube Goldberg machines to study energy transfers and energy transformations. The teacher uses the machines to help students make connections between flow of energy in ecosystems of life science with that of physical energy to then discuss conservation of energy and how that is reflected across different disciplines of science.
  • Potential Energy: Problem Solving Skills: A lesson introducing middle school students to the idea of potential energy. Students work through text with background information on potential energy before working with simulations calculating the amount of potential energy in different scenarios in small groups to further their understanding.
  • Exploring Real World Energy Transformations: Lesson with stations and identifying energy transformations and transfers using real world examples students are familiar with
  • STEM Activity: Heat Loss: In this fun activity, students build a house and then measure the amount of heat loss within the structure.  After making adjustments in “insulation”, students measure the amount of heat loss again, prompting further discussion on home energy efficiency


Beetles Project: Science and Teaching for Field Instructors

BEETLES  stands for “Better Environmental Education, Teaching, Learning & Expertise Sharing” and is based at the Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California at Berkeley.  The site focuses on experiential learning approaches, primarily for field instructors and outdoor education, but also for classroom educators as well. You’ll find lessons and associated video segments that demonstrate the lessons that center. The lessons are centered around beetles as a science topic for discovery.  Also note the great questioning strategies the facilitators use to foster deeper discussion.

The Physics Front

Physics Front has reviewed and catalogued quality resources for K-12 teaching.  This collection focuses on resources, lesson plans, activities, and websites in support of teaching concepts related to energy and other topics in physics.

Inside Energy

Inside Energy makes energy and energy policy accessible and meaningful through engaging articles and multimedia resources.  The articles are written by journalists and data specialists with storylines that provoke discussion and further investigation suitable for the classroom or for your own personal interest.  Inside Energy is funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

A Guide to the Energy of the Earth

Educator Joshua M. Sneideman examines the many ways in which energy cycles through our planet. Quiz questions, extra resources, and discussion forums follow the video for an in-depth look at these concepts.

Bozeman Science: Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer

Paul Andersen explains how energy is conserved within a system. In both macroscopic and microscopic collisions the amount of energy before the collision is equal to the amount after. He then defines heat as energy transfer between objects with different temperatures. He explains how heat is transferred via conduction, convection and radiation. A teaching progression K-12 is also included.

Bozeman Science: Cross Cutting Energy and Matter

In this video Paul Andersen explains how matter and energy flow and cycle through systems. He starts by explaining how energy and matter input and output will always be conserved. He addresses the many misconceptions surround energy and matter including the belief that food contains energy. He explains how nuclear reactions conserve both batter and energy. The video ends with a teaching progression for grades K-12.